Mar 25Liked by Conny Borgelioen

Conny, beautiful work! I’m glad I stumbled upon you this morning first thing from the mountains of North Carolina. I checked your profile and saw that you were from Belgium, and, having lived in the Netherlands for a few years, I thought I would give it a read! (you’re country’s is way too strong, but since I don’t drink anymore, I forgive you)

Your poetry is different from most that I read, and I love the cadence of it (I’ll be honest and that I have no idea of the other poets you referred to) I just started dabbling in poetry— but mostly I post one original song a week. This is my first attempt at any kind of social media, and I try to limit my time online, but I will try to keep up with you as best as I can. I just wanted to say that you write beautifully, and to thank you for your gift!

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I really appreciate you taking the time to read my work! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts as well.

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You’ve certainly mastered the golden shovel. I’m still struggling with it. Sigh.

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Thank you Kim. I'm glad you like the poem. Golden shovels, or any poem structure with restrictions, can be hard if you don't like to write with specific boundaries. But I actually like it. It forces me out of my usual way of thinking. Although, it's not for every poem. It's also nice to just let the words and rhythm flow.

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Mar 2Liked by Conny Borgelioen

Oh my goodness, you've only been doing this five years?? I never would have guessed. Thank you for sharing all of this, and I hope you feel proud of all you've accomplished in that time. <3

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Thank you Kate. Yes, five years. Although it seems longer. I did have a lot of free time in the beginning. So I was able to write much more than I am now.

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Mar 2Liked by Conny Borgelioen

Oh Conny, you are so generous! Thank you very much. Chapbooks are perfect way to relax and escape from my busy life--just absorbing the words and feelings and images of a great poet in small and deliciously concentrated bits of goodness. Oh, and I'm also loving and *savoring* your collection: _waking up to thrutopia_ which I recently purchased. This all gives me such Happiness and Inspiration. Thanks again, my friend, this is sublime.

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Thank you Ann. I agree that chapbooks are a great way to sample a poets style, and I like it if poems are connected through a theme. It feels like there's a story in the background.

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Mar 2Liked by Conny Borgelioen

Superb collage Conny! Have read the Sylvia poem and the book. What a wonderful work! Loved Cathexis! I have a feeling you've shared this excellent poem earlier! It is simply marvellous! I have downloaded Beautiful Precipice, and will read it soon! Cheers!

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Thank you Dominic. Yes, I think I may have shared that poem before on my old WordPress blog. How lovely to hear that you liked the Sylvia poems. And I do hope that you enjoy the second set of poems as well!

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Mar 6Liked by Conny Borgelioen

I loved reading Beautiful Precipice. What a way to approach the theme of love! You have here a witty and wonderful bunch of poems. Your sense of sound is simply so beautiful! You remind me now of Elizabeth Bishop!

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Dominic, what high praise! I'm not sure I deserve the comparison, but it's much appreciated anyway! I do pay a lot of attention to sound in my poems. So it's great to hear that it comes across well. Thank you for letting me know your thoughts.

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Mar 6Liked by Conny Borgelioen

My pleasure Conny!

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